Seeing the problems of the poor, this tribal leader gave up slippers, he is barefoot for 13 years

Seeing the problems of the poor, this tribal leader gave up slippers, he is barefoot for 13 years

Chhattisgarh News: Talking about the welfare of the world or the welfare of the country, the story of the sacrifice of saints and mahatmas has now become old. But the story of the sacrifice of a young leader in Chhattisgarh’s Manendragarh-Chirmiri-Bharatpur (MCB) district is brand new to political circles. There is such a young leader in the district who is fighting the system for a better life in the rural areas. For which he has already taken a pledge to remain barefoot 13 years ago. There is an interesting story behind this sacrifice of this leader.

Ravi Shankar Singh, 36, comes from tribal community
36-year-old Ravi Shankar Singh, a resident of Janakpur area of ​​MCB district, comes from a tribal society. His popularity is such that people call him to contest elections from their respective constituencies. The result is that at the age of 36, Ravi Shankar has become a member of the District Panchayat three times. And the special thing is that on the demand of the people, he has been elected as District Panchayat member from different areas thrice. Significantly, Ravi Shankar Singh, who has established himself as a helpful and grassroots leader in the region, has contested elections so far. In those areas the votes of their society are less. But people have risen above casteism and adopted Ravi Shankar Singh. This is the reason why 36-year-old Ravi Shankar Singh has given up slippers to raise the standard of living of the villagers. And this is the reason why he has now made a mark as a barefoot leader.

reason to be barefoot
Ravi Shankar Singh told that he is barefoot since 2010. He said that once he had gone on a tour of his area. So a person was barefoot in the hot sun, his feet had blisters. He was running under the shade of this tree and that tree. Then he gave his sandal to that person and went to that village, the situation there was very pathetic. People were forced to lead a life of poverty. Then he took off his sandal there and took a resolution that until the people of the village will not be uplifted and empowered. Till then the feet will remain bare. He further told that he realizes by staying barefoot, that there will be hundreds of people like him. Whose feet must have got blisters, thorns must have been attached. Unless there are changes in my area, people will not be self-sufficient. Till then I will be barefoot.

what do the residents say
District member Chandra Pratap Singh told that Ravi Shankar stands with the poor walking barefoot even in the hot sun. helps them. We also asked him many times for his work. Then they always stand with us in our happiness and sorrow. He has been a District Panchayat member for three consecutive terms. And fighting for the betterment of the people. Villager Umesh Kenvat told that call him (Ravi Shankar) in any weather, cold, hot or rainy, he comes barefoot to help people. Be it any kind of work, they come even at midnight. And Tehsil helps in every work related to the district. We needed such a leader. We are happy to have such a leader.

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