Do not make the mistake of sharing bed with someone while sleeping, know why the doctor gave this warning?

Do not make the mistake of sharing bed with someone while sleeping, know why the doctor gave this warning?

For better health, not only food and water are necessary, but sleeping is equally important. Every adult should take 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Most people share the bed with someone or the other while sleeping. A married couple also sleeps on the same bed. But do you know how badly sleeping with someone can affect your sleep? If you also share your bed with someone, then definitely read this news.

According to Mirror’s report, Dr. Karan Rajan has warned couples who sleep together. They say that if your partner snores while sleeping at night or moves more here and there on the bed, then it is important that you sleep separately from them. This is because because of this act of theirs, your sleep may get disturbed, which is not good for health.

Difficulty in falling asleep

Doctors say that if you are troubled because of these antics of your partner, then do not share the bed at night. Because this can cause problems in going into ‘Rapid Eye Movement Sleep’, which is a state of deep sleep. These actions of the partner can prevent you from going into deep sleep. Dr. Karan, working as a surgeon and lecturer at Sunderland University, said that the sleep cycle of every person is different. Although getting enough sleep is necessary for everyone.

body temperature rises

Sharing the bed with someone also increases the body temperature. This is the reason why you may feel hot and sleep may break before time. It is very important for better sleep that your body temperature should be normal. Because due to high or low temperature, there is bound to be disturbance in sleep.

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