Power hunger of two commanders, immense reserves of gold… which pushed Sudan into civil war

Sudan Civil War: There is a city named Khartoum about 4800 km away from New Delhi, the capital of India. It is the capital of Sudan, the third largest country of the African continent. For the last two weeks, the people of this city and its neighboring towns are passing their days and nights only by hearing the sounds of gunfire and bomb blasts. People are screaming. are shouting. They are running here and there trying to save their lives. There are only a few who have been able to save their lives. So far, about 500 people have lost their lives in this power struggle.

All this is happening because of the fight for the control of the power of the two commanders of the army of this country. There is a huge reserve of gold in its root. This gold reserve has pushed Sudan towards civil war. Now the heat of this struggle is falling not only on America, Russia and Britain but also on India. Because of this, from military transport aircraft like C-130 of the Indian Air Force to Navy ships have had to reach Sudan. Today we will talk about the story of this Sudan which is burning in the fire of civil war.

Power struggle in Sudan

The official name of the country Sudan is the Republic of Sudan. The Central African Republic is in the southwest of this country. So to the west is Chad. There is Egypt in the north. Eritrea is in the northeast. Ethiopia is in the southeast. Libya is in its northwest. In the south of this country is South Sudan and in the east is the Red Sea.

It means that there is water in its east and it is surrounded by land on the other three sides. As the name suggests, Republic of Sudan is a democracy in this country, but it is just to say, because the power of the country is neither in the hands of the army nor in the hands of any leader. To say here, both were running the government together. It is called the Transitional Sovereignty Council. It was established on August 20, 2019, but now it is also disbanded and a fierce battle is going on to capture power.

How did the war start?

It started here in April 2019. At this time, the army of Sudan had overthrown the power of Omar al-Bashir, who was the President of Sudan. President Bashir was holding the power of the country since 1989 and to capture it, he also overthrew Sadiq al-Mahdi. The army said that Omar al-Bashir has become autocratic during his 30 years of power, so it was necessary to remove him from power, but then the problem came in Sudan that who would run the country.

Common people wanted that elections should be held again in the country and the democratic process should be restored. The army wanted the control to be in its hands. Because of this, the army and the common people remained face to face for about 4 months. In the capital Khartoum, the Transitional Military Council of the army formed to rule Sudan massacred the common people. Negotiations took place when the matter deteriorated and then on 5 July 2019 it was decided that the army and the protesters year 2023 At the end of this, we will run the government till fresh elections are held.

TMC formed to run the government

The Transitional Military Council (TMC) was formed to run the government on behalf of the army. Forces of Freedom and Change ie FFC was formed on behalf of the protesters. On July 17, a written agreement was signed between TMC and FFC. Five people each were selected from both the sides, who together had to run the power of Sudan. Apart from this, there was such a person, on whom both the parties had to agree, who was to lead the government. So both together decided the name of Abdalla Hamdock.

But the army broke this agreement within a year. In October 2021, the Sudanese military dismissed the government of Abdalla Hamdok and took power in their own hands. Then General Abdel Fattah Al Burhan was the commander of the army, so he became the new head of the country. General Mohammad Hamdan Daglo Hemdati was the deputy commander of the army. So he became the deputy commander of the country as well. Together they decided that they would hold on to the power of Sudan until fresh elections are held in Sudan.

A fight started between two military commanders

During this, the opposition of the army also started. In such a situation, the army decided to hand over power to Abdalla Hamdock. But neither the intervention of the army decreased nor the protest of the people. The result was that Hamdock resigned from his post on January 2, 2022. Sudan again came under military rule, but the real conflict began when fighting broke out between the military commander, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, and the deputy commander, General Mohammed Hamdan Daglo. General Abdel Fattah Al Burhan was the commander of the army, while General Mohammad Hamdan Daglo was the deputy commander of the army as well as the supreme commander of Sudan’s paramilitary RSF i.e. Rapid Support Force.

This Rapid Support Force was formed in the year 2013 and the fighters who were recruited in it were not the army but the militants, who along with the military for Sudan had participated in the Land Cruiser War or say Dorfer War. After this, he was made a part of Sudan’s paramilitary, which was named Rapid Support Force. General Mohammad Hamdan Daglo proposed to recruit about 10,000 soldiers of this Rapid Support Force to the Sudanese army. At the same time, it was also said that the army should maintain its occupation of Sudan for the next 10 years. But General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan rejected Daglo’s proposal outright.

Sudan’s power is the motive

As a result, there was a confrontation between the two. Meanwhile, Daglo deployed the Rapid Support Force across the country. Sudan’s army and its Supreme Commander General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan saw this as a paramilitary intervention in the country. And the result of which is that Sudan’s army and paramilitary force came face to face. Now there is a war going on between the two. Both have dangerous weapons, which both are using against each other.

One of the objectives of these two is to maintain their grip on the power of Sudan. Why both of them want their possession, the root of it is the treasure hidden in the soil of Sudan, which the world calls gold. There are about 40 thousand gold mines in Sudan. The one who is in possession of these mines, has immense wealth. The one who has immense wealth, he also has immense power. Because gold is sold in dollars. This dollar is used to buy weapons.

It is clear from this that whoever has more gold, he has more dollars and whoever has more dollars, he has more weapons. The one who has more weapons has more power. So whether it is General Abdel Fattah Al Burhan, Commander of Sudan’s Army or General Mohammad Hamdan Daglo, Commander of Rapid Support Force, both of them want this wealth. So both are fighting.

The world is upset in the fight for power

Because of this the world is troubled. There are people from America, Britain, France and India in Sudan. Efforts are on to evacuate everyone from there. Saudi Arabia is helping all the countries of the world including India in this work, because Saudi Arabia is on the other side of the Red Sea adjacent to Sudan. A total of 9 countries including America and Britain have expelled their diplomats from Sudan. Now India has also started an operation to evacuate about four thousand people trapped in Sudan. it is named Kaveri

Sudan’s air space is completely closed, so the Indians are being taken to the water route to get out of Sudan and crossing the Red Sea to reach Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. Two C-130 aircraft of the Indian Air Force have arrived here. At the same time, Indian Navy’s INS Sumedha is present at the port of Sudan to cross the Red Sea from Sudan to Saudi Arabia.

It is expected that soon all the Indians will reach their homeland safely, but the way the situation is developing in Sudan and the way international organizations are currently keeping distance from the Sudan issue, it seems that this crisis of Sudan will be prolonged. Will be pulled and a word like democracy will remain just a joke for there.

read this also: Sudan Crisis: How is the violence in Sudan affecting relations with India? Know what the Sudanese ambassador said

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