Britain is attracted to Indian classical arts! King Charles will honor this Indian-origin man

UK King Charles: King Charles of Britain, Dr. M.N. Nandkumar (Dr MN Nandakumara) has been awarded the Order of the British Empire (MBE). Dr. M.N. MBE Award has been given to Nandkumar for his contribution to Indian classical arts in Britain. Dr. M.N. Nandakumar is a renowned Sanskrit scholar from Britain and the Executive Director of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Center in London.

Dr. M.N. Nandkumar is basically a resident of Mattur village in Karnataka. He has been associated with the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Center in London for the last 46 years. He has welcomed the then Prince of Wales to the Indian Cultural Center on several occasions.

Happy to be honored – Dr. M.N. nandkumar

In public life on behalf of the UK, Dr. M.N. In view of Nandkumar’s contribution, MBE was confirmed. This was announced by the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) earlier this month. Dr. M.N. Nandkumar will now be formally honored at a function. Dr. M.N. Nandkumar said in the pleasure of getting the honor that I am really feeling honored.

I am most happy. This award is being given for work and service in the field of Indian art and culture. That too when we are celebrating our 50th anniversary this year.

King Charles of Britain himself has visited our building four times

Dr. M.N. Referring to this, Nandkumar said that King Charles of Britain himself had visited our building four times. He has shown interest in the classes run by us. Once the then Prince of Wales sat with our tabla player and tried his hand on the tabla.

King Charles first visited the building when its main hall was named after his beloved uncle, Lord Mountbatten. He said that 95 percent of our yoga classes are European students.

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