Buddha statue and Sanskrit inscription found in this Egyptian city, secrets of India revealed

Ancient India Trade Route: Archaeologists working in the ancient port of Berenice near Egypt’s Red Sea have discovered a Buddha statue dating back to Roman times. Actually, the Polish American Mission is digging on the western side of the Red Sea. Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities reported that experts involved in the work found the statue of Buddha during excavations in the city’s ancient temple.

This team of archaeological experts has been working at the site since 1994. This statue of Buddha is being told of the second century. The length of the idol is 71 cm, surrounded by an aura and next to it is a lotus flower. Archaeologists are getting indications from this discovery that there were trade relations between the Roman Empire and India.

Trade relations between Egypt and India

Mustafa Vaziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council Council, said the team had recently unearthed significant evidence of trade relations between Egypt and India during the Roman period. “Egypt was at the center of the trade route that linked the Roman Empire with many regions of the ancient world, including India,” he said.

statue missing right side

However, the right side and right leg of the statue of Buddha discovered by archaeologists is missing. There is an aura around this idol which is 28 inches (71 cm) high. A lotus flower is also made next to the idol. The idol is looking grand.

Black pepper, precious stones, clothes were traded

During this time, Berenike in Egypt had many ports on the banks of the Red Sea and Berenike used to be the main trading center. Here products like black pepper, precious stones, clothes and ivory coming from India were traded by ships. After this, the goods were transported on camels through the desert to the Nile River, from where it was sent to Alexandria and from there to the rest of the Roman Empire.

Apart from this, archaeologists have also found an inscription of the era of Roman Emperor Marcus Julius Philipps (244 to 249) in the excavation of the temple, which is in Sanskrit.

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