These changes in urine are a sign of serious illness… be alert in time

Change in Urine Color: Among all the health tests related to diseases, the most common tests are urine test and blood test. A common man cannot find out about his diseases by looking at his blood, but if he notices the changes in his urine like a health conscious person, he can prevent many serious diseases from progressing. Here you are being told about some such diseases, which you can know or understand on the basis of changes in urine, that some unnecessary changes are happening inside the body and to know about them, you should check urine. Need to get tested…

urine color yellow

If the color of your urine has become more yellow than before, it means that dehydration is increasing in your body. Because the color of urine of a healthy person is clear like water.

dark yellow urine

Thick yellow urine for a long time can also be a symptom of jaundice ie jaundice and also a symptom of severe dehydration. That’s why you must visit your doctor. So that by examining other changes in the body, they can find out your real health problem and if necessary, advise urine test.

red colored urine

  • The red color of urine mainly depends on two things. The first is to use beetroot salad or beetroot juice or any other such fruit in the diet.
  • Second, the spread of any terrible disease like kidney infection or kidney stone, due to which there is internal bleeding with pain. But if there is blood in the urine without pain, then it can also be a symptom of a deadly disease like cancer.

strong smell in urine

  • If there is a strong odor in your urine, then it can be a symptom of urinary tract infection ie UTI. This happens mainly because of this.
  • In case of UTI, it starts with problems like less urine coming, frequent coming, smell in urine and feeling pressure of urine all the time, which also increases later.
  • Along with these problems, if there is a problem of severe burning and itching in the private part, then you should visit your doctor immediately. Because if UTI spreads to the internal organs then it can cause a lot of trouble.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

Read also: People who drink too much water can also go into coma, symptoms start with restlessness and anger

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