Drunk ‘Boris Johnson’ arrested by Dutch police in Netherlands

Netherlands: A drunk man has been arrested in the Netherlands. The shocking thing is that the name of the accused on the driving license is ‘Boris Johnson’, which even the policemen were surprised to see. It is known that Boris Johnson is the former Prime Minister of Britain. 

According to a report in The Telegraph, the  license recovered from the person in custody has the official photograph of the former Prime Minister of Britain along with his correct date of birth. Giving information, police spokesman Thijs Damstra said that after midnight on Sunday, officers investigating an accident found a suspect, who was in a state of intoxication. When the police officials examined the man, a license was found from him. On which the name of Boris Johnson was written. Along with this, Boris Johnson’s photo was also affixed on the license. 

The license was issued in 2019 

It was revealed in the investigation that the license that the person has is completely fake. This license was issued in Ukraine in 2019 and was valid till the end of the year 3000. According to the police, a car accident happened at midnight. When the police reached the spot, the driver of the car was not present. People nearby told that the driver was standing near the bridge. who is in a state of intoxication. 

Police got suspicious 

When the police reached there, he started running, the police suspected the driver. After this, the police searched him while taking him into custody. During the investigation, the police found a fake driver’s license belonging to Boris Johnson. Seeing whom everyone’s senses flew away. The police of the Netherlands wrote on their Instagram account that it was the misfortune of this person that we did not fall for his forgery. Now this person has been arrested and investigation is being done on other aspects. 

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