The bodyguard shot the minister with bullets, also shot himself, know the whole matter

Ugandan: In Uganda, an army soldier shot dead a government minister in the early hours of Tuesday. The minister whom the soldier has made his target. That young man himself used to take care of him. According to media reports, the bodyguard shot the minister after a personal dispute. 

According to local media reports, Retired Colonel Charles Okello Angola, Deputy Minister of Gender and Labor Department, was shot at his home on Tuesday morning. After shooting the minister, the soldier also shot himself. According to some eyewitnesses, the soldier also fired in the air before shooting himself. However, it is not yet clear what was the dispute between the soldier and the minister. 

After this incident, the people present around the minister are in panic. The speaker of Uganda’s parliament, presiding over the morning session, confirmed Col. Angola’s death in a brief statement. Anita Amang told MPs on Tuesday that this morning I got the sad news that Hon’ble Angola was shot by his bodyguard and later shot himself. may his soul rest in peace. This was God’s plan. We can’t change anything. 

Police is investigating the incident. The identity of the soldier who fired has not been revealed. The police officer said that the bodies of the minister and the bodyguard have been sent for postmortem. We are probing those aspects which we suspect. 

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