Putin sent to bunker, former PM of Russia said – kill Zelensky

Russia Ukraine War: The war between Russia and Ukraine, which has been going on for one and a half years, is expected to intensify further. Russia has accused Ukraine of trying to assassinate President Vladimir Putin. Russia released a video footage of the Kremlin, saying that two drones were sent from Ukraine last night to attack President Vladimir Putin’s house, but were shot down by the Russian Defense Forces.

Amidst the news of drone attack on the Russian Presidential House, Russia has warned Ukraine of dire consequences. The Russian Prime Minister said that the enemy will have to pay the price. At the same time, former President of Russia and former Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky should be taught a lesson…he should be killed.

Will wipe out Zelensky and his gang: Medvedev
Medvedev said, “There is no option left but to eliminate Zelensky and his gang, who carried out the terrorist attack that Ukraine carried out at night on the Kremlin.” Calling for a strong response, he has warned of an attack.

President Putin will deal with the work from the bunker
According to Russian media reports, Vladimir Putin will work today from a bunker built inside his Novo-Ogarevo residence. Actually, after the incident of Wednesday (May 3) night, the tension in Russia and Ukraine has reached its peak. The Russian government has called this attack an attempt to assassinate President Vladimir Putin.

Read also: Did Putin himself get the drone attack done? People said – after ‘false flag operation’, now Ukraine will be destroyed

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