UP Nagar Nikay Election 2023: Election is going to be held for the first time on Mau Nagar Panchayat seat of Chitrakoot district. The Yogi government had given the status of Nagar Panchayat to Mau Gram Panchayat. After getting the status of Nagar Panchayat, BJP has nominated Amit Dwivedi as its candidate for the first election. Union Minister Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti (Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti) today reached Mau to hold an election rally in favor of BJP candidate Amit Dwivedi. He took a dig at Rahul Gandhi for calling PM Modi a poisonous snake.
Union Minister Niranjan Jyoti attacked Congress
Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti said that Congress is doing new experiments during elections. Bajrangbali has been made an issue at the time of elections. Nothing was said from our side in response. If Bajrangbali comes, he will do his work. Niranjan Jyoti said that being a sadhvi, she has the right to beg. You people make me the first president of Mau Nagar Panchayat by making Amit Dwivedi win the election in the form of alms. Targeting the opponents, he said that today, along with hoisting the tricolor in Kashmir, the Ganges of development is also flowing. The dream of building Ram temple is going to come true.
Appeal to the public to make the BJP candidate win
In 2024, all you voters will be able to see Ramlala. Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti said that it is not necessary that we should not go where votes are not to be found. We need to beg for alms. He strongly appealed to the public to make Nagar Panchayat candidate Amit Dwivedi win. The Union Minister said that to ensure the development of the area, you must do the work of making Amit Dwivedi the president of Mau Nagar Panchayat for the first time.