11-year-old girl’s brain is faster than Einstein, will soon get Masters degree

Viral News: Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking is remembered as the world’s fastest minded person. But now an 11-year-old girl from Mexico has left behind big giants in terms of IQ. The interesting thing is that this innocent has completed his master’s studies in engineering at the age of 11. Soon this girl will get degree. 

According to media reports, the name of the 11-year-old girl from Mexico City is Adhara Perez Sanchez. Adhara’s IQ is more than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. His IQ score is said to be 162, which is higher than Einstein and Hawking. Adhara wants to become an astronaut in future. Let us tell that the IQ level of great scientists like Einstein and Hawking is 160.

Girl wants to work in NASA 

According to a report by French magazine Marie Clary, this Mexican girl wants to work with NASA one day. Adhara is currently working with the Mexican Space Agency to promote space research and maths among young students.

Adhara was suffering from autism

When Adhara was three years old, she was diagnosed with autism. This is a disease that hinders mental development. Children suffering from this have difficulty in increasing mutual communication and social interaction. 

In an interview, Adhara’s mother had told that her friends used to harass her because of her illness. Adhara used to be very sad because of this. Due to this, he limited himself within himself. He started concentrating on his studies. He quickly got hold of algebra. After this there was no looking back for Adhara. 

According to media reports, Adhara completed her primary school at the age of five and graduated from middle and high school only a year later. It is known that a total of 150 questions are asked in the IQ test, in this test adults can get 161 marks and children can get maximum 162 marks.

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