Will the eyesight return again? Ray of hope seen in this new research

Will the eyesight return again?  Ray of hope seen in this new research

Degenerative Retinal Disease: A large number of people around the world are struggling with ‘degenerative retinal disease’. This disease is either inherited from the parents or it takes someone in its grip when due to some reason the retina of the eyes has been damaged. Nowadays many people are fighting with this disease. However, a new research has claimed that the treatment of degenerative retinal disease has been discovered. This new research has given a new hope to those people, who were wandering here and there in search of a solution to this disease for a long time.

In this research led by Michel Cuet of Université de Montreal, researchers have found a way to reactivate reactive dormant cells in the retina and transform them into cells lost in retinal degeneration. The research team of Professor Michel Cauet, Director of Neurobiology Research at the Montreal Clinical Research Institute affiliated with UDEM, has found that cells that are inactive in the retina (glial cells) can be induced to transform into cells that share certain properties with cone photoreceptors. can be done. Photoreceptors allow people to do things like recognize and understand colors, read and drive.

What is retinal degeneration?

Inherited retinal degeneration is caused by loss of light-sensitive cells in the retina at the back of the eye. When these cells get damaged due to disease, they are not replaced and the patient has to face vision loss. This problem sometimes also becomes the reason for complete loss of eyesight.

Ajay David, a doctoral student in KUET’s lab and co-author of the study, said that one day we will be able to take full advantage of the cells that are present in the retina and stimulate retinal cells to regenerate, which for some reason have died. were lost.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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