You will be shocked to know the age of this dog, know how old it is

World’s Oldest Dog Bobi: In Portugal, a farm dog named Bobby has achieved a great achievement. It has been awarded the title of oldest dog ever by Guinness World Records (GWR). Bobby has turned 31 on Thursday and its owner said they will celebrate the occasion with a special party.

The dog of the Refeiro do Alentejo breed was born on May 11, 1992 and lives with his owner, Lionel Costa, in the Lira district of Portugal. Bobby’s date of birth has been confirmed by the Servico Medico-Veterinario do Municipio de Leiria (Veterinary Medical Service of the Municipality of Leiria). The owner of the dog also shared information about the party to be organized.

organize birthday party
Guinness World Records officials told him that 100 fans and friends have been invited for the birthday party on Saturday. These include people from other countries as well. Watching him is like remembering people who were part of our family and unfortunately are no longer here, like my father, my brothers or my grandparents who have already left this world. have passed. The dog’s owner, Costa, told Guinness World Records officials that Bobby represents those generations.

People from all over the world meet Bobby
Lionel Costa said that he had had several aging dogs in the past, including Bobby’s mother Zira. Bobby’s mother died at the age of 18. However, he never thought one of his dogs would make it to his thirties. The dog was awarded the Guinness World Records title in February. Life has been busy for Bobby since then.

On this Costa said that many journalists started coming to us. People from all over the world come to take pictures with Bobby. In this, along with Europe, people from America and Japan have also come. Bobby’s owner said that my dog ​​has been in good health for a few months. Although recently he was taken to the vet for a check-up.

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