Girlfriend got abortion then boyfriend shot her, CCTV of parking revealed

US Man Shoots Girlfriend: A heart-wrenching news has come out from Texas, America, where a man killed his girlfriend after getting an abortion. According to Dallas Police, Harold Thompson shot and killed his girlfriend, Gabriella Gonzalez, in the parking lot of a strip mall. At the time of the incident, Gabriela Gonzalez had returned from Colorado, where abortion is allowed at any stage of pregnancy.

Talking about Texas, it is illegal to have an abortion after 6 months in Texas, unless there is a medical emergency. According to the New York Post, it is written in the warrant affidavit that the accused did not want his girlfriend to have an abortion. This is the reason why he shot and killed his girlfriend.

What is the whole matter?

It can be seen in the CCTV footage of the parking that the couple is seen talking in the parking area at 7:30 in the morning, after which both of them get into an argument. In the parking lot, Harold Thompson pulls out his gun and shoots Gabriela Gonzalez in the head. With this, he shoots the girlfriend again, until she falls on the ground. Gabriela Gonzalez died on the spot after being shot.

Dallas police said that earlier also a complaint had been lodged against Harold Thompson for assaulting a woman, but the woman’s name was not included in the complaint. Police say that the woman may be Gabriela Gonzalez. According to the New York Post, Harold Thompson used to beat Gabriela Gonzalez a lot even during the relationship and he did not want his girlfriend to have an abortion, after which he shot and killed the woman.

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