Vivo V29e specifications and features have surfaced on the Internet, hinting at the upcoming launch of a new Vivo V-series handset. It is likely to launch next month, according to a new report. The phone is speculated to be powered by a Dimensity 7000 Series SoC. However, Vivo is yet to reveal any details of the purported smartphone, which is tipped to arrive in three color options. It is also said to be equipped with a 4,600mAh battery along with support for 80W fast charging.
According to a Pricebaba reports Citing tipster Paras Guglani (Twitter @passionategeekz), the purported Vivo V29e could be powered by a Dimensity 7000 Series SoC, up to 12GB of RAM, 256GB of storage and a 4,600mAh battery with support for 80W charging.
The report also suggests that the phone will ship with a 64-megapixel primary camera sensor. Additionally, the phone is expected to debut in Gold, Blue, and Black color options.
Vivo is yet to announce any details of the purported handset’s launch timeline, but the report states that the Vivo V29e will be launched in June.
Earlier this year, Vivo unveiled the Vivo V27e in Malaysia. The phone sports a 6.62-inch Full HD+ AMOLED display with a 2,400 × 1,080-pixel resolution, capacitive multi-touch support and 120Hz refresh rate.
The handset is powered by a MediaTek Helio G99 SoC coupled with 8GB of RAM and runs Android 13-based Funtouch OS 13. The smartphone features a 64-megapixel primary rear camera with OIS and dual 2-megapixel sensors for bokeh and macro shots. For selfies and video calls, it houses a 32-megapixel front-facing camera.
The Vivo V27e is equipped with up to 256GB of storage and is equipped with a 4,600mAh battery with support for 66W flash charging. It also has an in-display fingerprint sensor. The Vivo comes in Glory Black and Lavender Purple colours.