For the first time in the next 5 years, the global temperature will cross the limit of 1.5 ° C – WMO

Global Temperature Analysis: The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said in its new analysis related to global temperature on Wednesday (May 17) that the global temperature will cross the limit of 1.5 degree Celsius for the first time in the next 5 years. It states that the set limit of 1.5 ° C temperature may be breached at least temporarily in the next five years.

The WMO analysis said there is a 66 per cent chance that global temperatures will be 1.5 degrees Celsius above or above the pre-industrial average in at least one year between 2023 and 2027, reports The Indian Express. At the same time, there is also a 98 percent chance that one of these years will prove to be the hottest year on record, surpassing 2016.

2016 was the hottest year

Right now 2016 is considered to be the hottest year ever. The annual average temperature for that year was 1.28 °C higher than in pre-industrial times (the average for the period 1850–1900). At the same time, last year (2022) was 1.15 ° C warmer than the pre-industrial average.

Separately, a new study released on Wednesday said that climate change can be held most responsible for the severe heat wave in India and some neighboring countries in April.

Climate change increased the heat

The report, released by a group of researchers associated with the World Weather Attribution Initiative, said climate change made the April heat wave in India, Bangladesh, Laos and Thailand at least 30 times more likely. He said that it was believed that such incidents would happen once in a hundred years, but due to climate change, now they are likely to happen once in every five years.

The WMO said that for the next five years, the average annual temperature is expected to be 1.1 to 1.8 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial average. If the trend of increasing temperature is stopped immediately, the breach of the 1.5 degree Celsius temperature limit may very soon become a permanent affair.

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