Indian-origin statue became the highest ranked woman in New York Police, what did she say on her success?

Captain Pratima Bhullar Maldonad: Indian-origin police officer Captain Pratima Bhullar Maldonado has been promoted in America. Pratima has become the highest ranking South Asian woman in the New York Police Department there. She operates the 102nd Police Quarters in South Richmond Hill, Queens in New York.

Please tell that the statue was born in Punjab, India. She lived in India for nine years before moving to America. After that she moved to Queens, New York. There he said, ‘I have spent more than 25 years of my life in this field. And, it feels like home to me. Here I was promoted to the rank of Captain last month.

Pratima Bhullar Maldonado is the mother of four children.
According to CBS News, Pratima is now the mother of four children. He told CBS News that his new role would help with community policing. “For those who cannot speak English or for whom English is a second language, language is a barrier,” he said. He said, ‘I too did not know English earlier. I saw those days growing up here. But now I have to stay here.

He said, ‘My promotion is a big responsibility. I want to be a better example not only for my community but also for the women and children who see us every day. He said that reaching this rank was not easy. He worked very hard for this.

Largest Sikh community in South Richmond Hill
Please tell that Pratima lives in South Richmond Hill, America, where America’s largest Sikh community lives. There is a big gurudwara there. The statue bowed down in that gurudwara. After that, in a conversation with the media, he said, ‘I used to come to this gurudwara in my childhood. Now I have gone as a captain, I like it very much.

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