MP News: Hindu Mahasabha tried to celebrate Godse’s birthday, police took action

Gwalior: A major controversy erupted in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, over the birthday celebration of Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse, where Hindu Mahasabha workers and police clashed. There was a clash between. During this there was a fierce scuffle between the workers of Hindu Mahasabha and the police. In this case some people have also been detained by the police. Police stopped people from celebrating Nathuram Godse’s birthday and covered Godse’s statue. Seeing the matter progressing, a large number of police forces have been deployed on the spot.

Hindu Mahasabha workers tried this time also to celebrate the birthday of Nathuram Godse, who killed Mahatma Gandhi. The workers of Hindu Mahasabha gathered at their office in Daulatganj and were about to celebrate the birthday by keeping Nathuram Godse’s statue and picture. After getting information about this, the police force personnel along with the team reached the spot. On the occasion, there was a scuffle and scuffle between the Hindu Mahasabha workers and the police forces, but the police covered the Godse’s statue and pictures with paper.

This was the plan of Hindu Mahasabha on Godse’s birthday

During this, some people who were heckling with the police were also taken into custody for some time. There is an atmosphere of tension in the entire area. To control the situation, a large amount of police force has been deployed after the incident. Hindu Mahasabha leader says that today is Godse’s birthday. We had a plan to distribute fruits by performing aarti, which has been stopped by the administration. The Hindu Mahasabha leader said that he would go only after performing the aarti of Nathuram Godse. Regarding this dispute, the police officials said that some people were going in the open on the road with some pictures, where the media was running in front of them. The police took the picture from him and covered it and sent it to his office.

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