How beneficial is it to sleep on the terrace under the open sky in summer?

In the summer season, people often face the problem of light failure. By the way, nowadays people have installed inverters in their homes. However, even today in small towns and villages, people turn to the roofs of their houses when the lights go off. There are a large number of people in India who, despite having the facility of light, prefer to sleep on the roof. The people of the village still like to be in touch with nature and they like to sleep on the roofs or under the open sky. Sleeping on the terrace under the open sky not only gives good sleep, but it also gives mental peace.

Is it beneficial to sleep on the terrace in summer?

For centuries people in India have been preferring to sleep under the open sky. A lot has changed in the last few decades, but some people still avoid sleeping in fan, cooler or AC and prefer to sleep under the open sky. By sleeping on the terrace you find yourself closer to nature and breathe in the fresh air. As the night passes and dawn starts, the weather also starts getting colder. You get fresh air. Gets mental peace. You feel at peace within yourself.

What is the right way to sleep on the terrace?

Before sleeping on the terrace in summer season, wash the terrace with water or sprinkle cold water on your sleeping place. Due to this the temperature of the hot ground will drop. If mosquitoes bite on the roof, then sleep with a mosquito net and put a cloth on the mosquito net on the side where you want to keep your head, so that the dew drops do not bother you. Because of this, not only will your sleep be disturbed, but also the problem of icenophilia and cold-hot will arise. Now you must have understood that there are many benefits of sleeping on the terrace.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or related expert.

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