The boy got epilepsy in America, then something happened that he had to visit the hospital

US Dentures Stuck In Lungs: A 22-year-old boy accidentally swallowed a silver-plated denture in Wisconsin, USA. After this the denture got stuck in the boy’s lungs. According to a report in the New York Post, the boy had an epileptic fit, due to which the dentures were swallowed. The boy was wearing a set of false teeth made of silver.

After swallowing the denture, the boy started coughing profusely. A wheezing sound started coming from his mouth. His condition had become such as if he was about to die.

4.1 cm denture found stuck
A 22-year-old boy was rushed to the hospital after his dentures got stuck in his lung, where X-rays revealed that a 4.1-centimetre-long false tooth was lodged in the airway of his lung. About this incident was published in the Curious Medical Journal. After examination, the doctors took him for bronchoscopy to remove the dentures. In this procedure, a thin, lighted tube called a bronchoscope is inserted down the airway of the lungs to remove the denture.

In the X-ray, it was found that a denture of about 4.1 cm was stuck above the right main bronchus. Its shape looked like a horseshoe, which looked like sharp and jagged sharp teeth.

swallowed a banana with a condom
The team of doctors used bronchoscopy to remove the denture. Bronchoscope with 8.0 endotracheal tube inserted into airway. During this, some blood also came out. Eventually the doctors were able to remove the dentures.

A few months ago, a 34-year-old man in America swallowed a banana in a condom in anger. Such a case was considered the first. It was published in Curious Magazine.

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