Due to pressure from China, WHO took a big decision, showed Taiwan the way out of the annual meeting

China-Taiwan Conflict: Due to China’s opposition, the World Health Organization (WHO) has taken a big decision regarding Taiwan this time. WHO has decided not to invite Taiwan to the annual meeting to be held in Geneva. Significantly, the annual meeting will be held in Geneva from May 21 to 30, in which Taiwan will not be able to exist.

In fact, China and Pakistan had urged the members not to include Taiwan in this program of the World Health Organisation. While Eswatini and Marshall Islands spoke in favor of it. China… claims sovereignty over Taiwan and says it is not a separate country but part of “China” governed from Beijing.

Do not interfere in China’s internal affairs

There was also an insistence of China that Taiwan is not a country. In view of this, Taiwan has been kept out of international organizations. After which China has welcomed the decision of WHO. “This fully shows that the one-China principle is the aspiration of the people and the trend of the times in the international community and cannot be challenged in any way,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The ministry said that before the opening of the conference, nearly 100 countries adhered to the One-China principle and registered their opposition to Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Assembly. During this, the Foreign Ministry said, “China urges some countries to stop interfering in China’s internal affairs under the pretext of Taiwan issue. ‘Taiwan’ should not be used to control China.”

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