‘Minorities voted for Congress in Karnataka, now…’, says Jamiat Chief Arshad Madani

Arshad Madani Exclusive: Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind President Syed Arshad Madani has demanded Congress to ban Bajrang Dal in Karnataka. All India Muslim Personal Law Board’s Naib Sadar Maulana Arshad Madani said in an exclusive interview to ABP News on Monday (May 22) that minorities in Karnataka voted 95 to 100 percent for Congress, now Congress should also fulfill its promise and Bajrang Ban the Dal (Bajrang Dal).

He said that if the Congress does not fulfill its promise, then people will not trust the manifesto of the Congress in the elections in any state of the country. The credit for banning Bajrang Dal in the manifesto goes to the brothers and sisters (Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi). Brother and sister did a very brave act. Apart from him, who has worked in Karnataka. Manmohan Singh used to listen to me. Sonia Gandhi used to listen to me. I went to him again and again for the work of the Muslims. I often got things done. If it didn’t happen sometimes, it must have been some compulsion.

“Even if PM Modi calls me ten times, I will go”

Arshad Madani said that Jamiat and Congress have always had relations. Manmohan Singh knows the relationship between us and the Congress. We have always been with the Congress. Have been telling them what your method should be. Telling even today. Regarding PM Modi, he said that Modi is the Prime Minister of my country. I will go even if you call me ten times. I have no ana (ego). If he calls, I will go. My point of view conflicts with his point of view, that is a different matter.

What about Common Civil Code?

Regarding BJP, Madani said that BJP will change its policy, Muslims will go with it. BJP came to the election and said that we want votes of both Hindus and Muslims. He said that riots took place in the country during the Congress rule, Congress is responsible for these riots. Congress is responsible for riots in Bangalore, Moradabad, Mumbai, Meerut. Had the Congress not adopted a flexible policy, the riots would not have happened. On the issue of Common Civil Code, Arshad Madani said that UCC takes away the freedom of Muslims.

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