This person did such a thing that a common man can press his finger under his teeth, watch the video

Ferris Wheel Guinness World Record: A man from Australia has created a Guinness World Record by rotating an entire Ferris wheel with his hands in just 16 minutes 55 seconds. Troy Connelly-Magnusson, 39, from Sydney, did it at Luna Park to raise money for the charity Little Wings. This charity benefits seriously ill children and their families.

Made a new record for rotating the Ferris wheel
Guinness World Records has also created a time-lapse video of Conley spinning the Ferris wheel, which has been shared on its official Twitter handle. He captioned the video that a new record has been set for rotating the Ferris wheel. It was made by Troy Conley-Magnusson, a resident of Australia, in the fastest time of 16 minutes 55 seconds.

According to GWR, the Ferris wheel was put into freewheeling mode, in which the hydraulics and brakes are separated. In this the wheel is not operated in any way. Conley had to work single-handedly to turn it around. In this he had to use a lot of force.

Guinness World Record is already recorded
Conley informed GWR that this was one of the most difficult physical and mental challenges for me so far. I’ve done a lot of strength stuff over the years, but this was different from the rest. Never done such a thing before. I needed 100 percent strong mental balance to do this kind of work.

This is Conley’s fourth Guinness World Record. Earlier, he has pulled cars with his teeth, pushed a heavy vehicle from a height of 100 feet and has also pulled a light plane up to 20 meters fastest with his teeth.

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