Why will Australia prove to be important for India on the China front?

To deal with the growing tension between China and Taiwan and the emerging challenges in the Indo-Pacific region, Australia recently spoke of expediting the purchase of long-range missiles. Australia took this decision to counter the growing threat from China. It is clear from this step of Australia that now Australia is also trying to make itself self-sufficient in the field of defence.

According to a BBC report, Australia will spend US $ 12 billion to buy these missiles. According to the Defense Strategic Review 2023 of this country, such a big change has been made in Australia’s defense strategy for the first time after the Second World War.

These challenges have also increased due to the decreasing importance of America. China’s ambitious attitude has become a cause of trouble not only for India, America but also for many other countries. On one hand, while China is harboring the ambition of becoming a superpower to become the ‘security provider’ of the world, on the other hand it has increased its naval presence in the South China Sea. China claims this area as its own which is contrary to international law.

With the rise of China, now it has become necessary for democratic countries to think about their future. This is the reason why Australia has started preparing to protect its interests.

What will be the role of India

It is natural for Australia to be worried about the aggressive and expansionist attitude of China in the South China Ocean, because sooner or later the heat will reach the Pacific region as well. Recently Australia’s Defense Strategic Review (DSR) was released. According to whose review report, promotion of defense cooperation program in the Indo-Pacific region.

It would be in Australia’s interest to do so. Apart from this, Australia can also increase practical cooperation with major powers like India and Japan. Australia needs to expand relations with India and Japan.

Actually India is an emerging power. This country is seen as an economic power house. India is also being considered an important player in global affairs. This country has created an image of a reliable ally and it is also being considered as a global stabilizer.

India’s foreign minister has put India’s interests on the global stage in great detail from time to time. At present, all countries look at India with respect. In such a situation, if events are to be executed on the global stage, then India cannot be ignored.

better relations between india and australia

Let us tell you that after Kovid-19 there was tension between China and Australia. At that time Australia demanded to find out the origin of the epidemic, to which China responded. Since then, relations between Australia and India are getting deeper.

Similarities between India and Australia on many matters

India and Australia’s approach share commonalities on many contemporary maritime security issues in the Indo-Pacific. Both these countries are working together on a number of issues in fora such as Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS), Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) and Western Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS).

Indian Navy Ship Satpura and a P-8I Maritime Patrol Aircraft of Indian Navy participated in the multilateral exercise conducted by the Australian Navy in Darwin.

Who will Australia focus on now?

According to a BBC report, Australia will now shift its focus from ground weapons to ‘long-range targets and ammunition made in Australia’.

In the same report, Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles said, “We need a defense force that has the ability to fight effectively over long distances.” He further said that we will buy ‘attack missiles’ up to a distance of 500 kilometers, which will strengthen the army.

China’s military budget more than India, Australia and Japan

The Xi Jinping-led government in China has increased its military budget to US$225 billion. The military budget of this country is more than that of India, Australia and Japan. India’s military budget is US$ 73 billion, Australia’s is US$ 48.7 billion and Japan is US$ 51 billion.

According to strategy experts, the Chinese military budget is actually more than the figures released. Its increasing military-industrial expenditure will be counted separately from military expenditure, and this figure is also in billions of US dollars. The strategic intent of the increased spending is to prepare China against three major threats – the Taiwan issue, Sinkiang or Xinjiang and Tibet

Five big spending countries

America: Rs 71 lakh crore (0.7% increase)
China: 23 lakh crore rupees (increase of 4.2%)
Russia: 7 lakh crore rupees (increased by 9.2%)
India: Rs 6 lakh crore (6% increase)
Saudi Arab: Rs 5.8 lakh crore (16% increase)

Why is China increasing military power

Talking about military expenditure, China alone spends more than $200 billion every year. year 2023 China’s defense spending increased to 1.55 trillion yuan (about $225 billion) in the 2010 budget. This is 7.2 percent more than the 2022 budget, and it is the eighth consecutive year of increase in military spending.

According to Sipri’s report, China has increased its defense budget amidst increased disputes with America over Taiwan and South China Sea. Along with this, this country is continuously strengthening preparations on the Indian border. After America, China has become the second country to spend the most money on military. America has the highest military expenditure in the world, which has been set at $842 billion for this year.

Quad country strategy against China

China has increased its military budget by 7.2% to US$ 225 billion. In view of which the strategy of Quad countries is also being made. Actually the Quad is a group of India, America, Australia and Japan.

China considers the group of these four countries against itself. QUAD members are bound to deepen their defense and economic cooperation given the size of China’s growing military spending and economy.

According to global experts, it is very important for QUAD members to stay together to deal with Chinese moves. The increasing activities of China in the Indo-Pacific region become the main reason for this.

On one hand, while China is increasing the concern of other countries by bullying small countries, on the other hand, China’s support to Russia in Russia-Ukraine war is also a matter of concern for India. Because, China and Russia have told their friendship as ‘no limit alloy’. If Russia goes in China’s court, it will be a big loss for India.

Increasing activities in the Indian Ocean

Between India, Australia and Japan, the expansion of the Indo-Pacific Chinese Navy is one of the main agendas and its medium-range conventional and nuclear missile arsenal is a main concern.

For years, Chinese strategic surveillance ships have been continuously mapping the Indian Ocean floor and the entry routes to the South China Sea of ​​Lombok and Ombi-Vator. Because nuclear or conventional submarines have to cross from the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean through the Sunda or Malacca Straits. Lombok and the Ombi-Vitar Channel, close to Australia, are deep enough to handle submarines without the need to surface.

india china relations

The relations between India and China have always been in discussion. Recently, an intelligence report of America had come out regarding the relationship between the two countries. It has been claimed that the relations between the two countries are going to remain tense in the coming times as well.

According to Hindustan Times, in March 2023, the US Parliament has presented a report on Annual Threat Assessment i.e. annual assessment of external threats. It was told in this report that China and India are trying to reduce the border dispute by holding talks. But despite this, there will be tension in the relations between India and China.

In this report, the intelligence system of America has also shown two challenges for the interests of America. First, the strategic competition between America and its allies and second Russia-China.

These three countries are the highest spenders in the year 2022

According to Sipri, only three countries are spending 57 percent of the military expenditure of all the countries of the world together. America, Russia and China. The highest historical growth in defense has been seen in European countries. European countries have made the biggest increase in the last 30 years. European countries have increased their defense budget by 13 percent. The reason is the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.

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