An epidemic more dangerous than Corona is about to come! WHO chief warned, 20 million people will die

An epidemic more dangerous than Corona is about to come!  WHO chief warned, 20 million people will die

WHO Chief Warns For Next Pandemic: Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization (WHO), said that the world should be prepared for a virus that would be deadlier than Kovid. According to the report of The Independent, WHO Chief said that at least 20 million people will be killed by the coming virus. Recently, the Global Health Body announced that the Kovid-19 pandemic is no longer a health emergency.

The WHO chief told in his annual health conference in Geneva that it is time to stop the coming epidemic. For this it is time to take the conversation forward. In a meeting of the World Health Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, the WHO chief warned that the Kovid-19 pandemic is not over yet.

WHO identified nine primary diseases

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that after Kovid, there may be a danger of another type of disease, which can cause death. It can be deadlier than Kovid and will prove to be more deadly. He warned that the world should be prepared for this and would be bound to deal with any kind of threat.

WHO has identified nine primary diseases, which are the biggest threat to public health. The Daily Mail reported that they were considered most risky due to their lack of treatment or their potential to cause epidemics. He said that the world was not prepared for the arrival of the Kovid-19 pandemic, which emerged as the most serious health crisis in a century.

Ready for the coming epidemic – WHO Chief

The WHO chief said in the meeting that in the last three years, Kovid-19 had changed our world. About 70 lakh people had died in this, but we know that the figures could be more than this, which would be around 20 million.

He said that if we do not make the changes that should be made then who will? And, if not made now then when. The coming epidemic is knocking and it will also come. We must be prepared to respond decisively, collectively and equally.

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