Mobile number is not necessary for shopping, shopkeepers will now be controlled!

Mobile number is not necessary for shopping, shopkeepers will now be controlled!

Customers Mobile Number: Whenever customers go to a shop or a store to buy goods, the shopkeeper asks for their mobile number. The shopkeeper gives you the bill only after the mobile number is registered, but now you will not need to give the number. The central government is soon going to take such a step, after which consumers will not have to share their numbers.

Does not provide service without mobile number

According to the report published in the Economic Times, an official of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs has informed that using their mobile numbers against the will of the customers will be considered as interference in their privacy. In the recent past, many cases of unfair business practices through mobile numbers have come to the fore. Customers have complained against many retail shopkeepers that if they do not give their mobile number, then the shopkeepers refuse to give them service. On the other hand, shopkeepers have to say in this matter that they cannot generate bills without a mobile number.

Mobile numbers cannot be taken against the wishes of customers

The Ministry of Consumer Affairs has said on this that shopkeepers and store owners cannot force any customer to give mobile number. Along with this, they cannot refuse to provide service just because the customer has not registered his mobile number. Information about this new rule of the Ministry will be given to all the retail shopkeepers across the country through the industry bodies representing them. According to officials, they will give clear guidelines to all shopkeepers that if a customer does not want to give his mobile number, then the shopkeeper cannot force him to do so.

Concerned about customer privacy

It is worth noting that it is not necessary to give a mobile number for shopping in India, but most of the customers have to give their number at the store. In such a situation, his right to privacy is violated. Due to the sharing of mobile numbers, the cases of fraud have increased rapidly in the last few years. In such a situation, this step of the government will be in favor of the customers.

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