Kapil Sibal walks on a different path from Congress! This question was asked to the BJP regarding the inauguration of the new Parliament House.

Delhi News: new parliament building The controversy going on for the last few days is gaining momentum. Its inauguration on May 28 is also believed to be fixed, but the matter has reached the Supreme Court. By filing a PIL, the petitioner has opposed the inauguration of the Parliament House by PM Modi. Meanwhile, former Union Minister and SP MP Kapil Sibal has raised questions regarding its inauguration in a tweet on this issue.

Former Union Minister Kapil Sibal has written in his tweet that the Parliament is the symbol of our republic. The President is the head of the republic. The absence of the President in this formal event is tantamount to devaluing the ethos of our republic. He has asked the center in a questioning tone whether the government cares about this! Kapil Sibal has raised important questions through his tweet. It is clear from his question that in such a big occasion, which is directly related to the republican and democratic structure of the country, the neglect of the President can be considered justified.

Simultaneous seating capacity of 1272 MPs

The new Parliament House will be inaugurated on 28 May. ​Keeping in mind the inauguration ceremony, the decoration work of the new building of the new parliament is in the final stage. tell that PM Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of the new Parliament House in December 2020. Since that time the construction of the Parliament House is in the circle of controversies. For the time being, let us tell you that a lot of attention has been given to the interior decoration of the new Parliament House. It is spread over a vast area of ​​64,500 Sq. Eco-friendly green construction will reduce power consumption by up to 30 percent. The new Parliament House will have the facility of seating 888 MPs in the Lok Sabha chamber, 384 MPs in the Rajya Sabha chamber. There will be a sitting capacity of 1272 MPs in the Joint Parliament session. High quality audio-video system has been prepared. Apart from this, the new building has Constitution Hall, Library, Committee Room.

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