Android vs iOS: Do not compromise with security, know who is safe in both

Android vs iOS: The comparison between Android and iOS has been going on for a long time. This comparison will never end. Today the comparison is about security. Which of the two is more secure? Look, both iOS and Android are secure operating systems, but there are some important differences between the two that make iOS generally more secure. Now read the news to know what those differences are.

Apple has complete control over the code

iOS is a closed source operating system, which means that Apple has complete control over the code. This makes it difficult for hackers to find any bug or hack the phone. Android, on the other hand, is an open-source operating system, which means that anyone can view and modify the code. This makes it a bit difficult for Google to keep track of all possible security vulnerabilities.

app store vetting

Apple has a strict vetting process for the apps it allows in the App Store. In this process, it is ensured that the app is not dangerous for the users. At the same time, no such strict process is seen in Google’s Play Store. Because of this, Google keeps banning apps every day.


iOS allows users to control which apps can access what they have. This helps in protecting the privacy of the users. On the other hand, Android used to give users less control over app permissions. However, now Android has also improved this further.

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Overall, iOS is generally considered more secure than Android. However, both the operating systems are constantly being updated with security patches.

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