Himachal BJP in-charge Avinash Rai Khanna targeted the opposition, said- ‘suffering from dynastic ideology’

Central Vista Project: In-charge of Himachal BJP, Avinash Rai Khanna has targeted the opposition parties for boycotting the inauguration ceremony of the new Parliament building. Khanna said that their dynastic leadership binds them together because of this. Because their monarchy methods are in direct conflict with the principles of the constitution. What unites most of the opposition parties boycotting the inauguration of the new Parliament House, asked Khanna? The answer is very simple. These are dynasty-run political parties, whose monarchical system is just opposite to the principles of republicanism and democracy of our constitution.

Opposition parties need introspection

Khanna said that the parties which are boycotting the inauguration ceremony of the new building of Parliament have no commitment towards democracy. Because their sole aim is to perpetuate a select group of dynasties. Khanna said that this kind of attitude is an insult to the makers of our constitution. These parties should introspect today.

Opposition parties are associated with dynastic idea

Khanna said that the opposition parties have dynastic mentality. Especially Congress and Nehru-Gandhi dynasty are not able to digest this simple thing. Today the people of India have expressed their complete faith in a man who comes from a very humble background. The elitist mindset of the dynastics is preventing them from thinking logically. Khanna said that the people of the country are seeing how these parties are keeping politics above the country. The people of the country will once again punish these parties severely for their partisan politics.

Why is the opposition protesting?

on Sunday new parliament building It will be inaugurated by the Prime Minister of the country, Narendra Modi. Opposition parties are demanding that this inauguration should not be done by the Prime Minister but by the President of the country. Opposition parties are not even participating in this ceremony in protest against the inauguration. At the same time, the ruling BJP has also advised the opposition parties not to bring the President in the middle of unnecessary controversies. Now the Prime Minister amidst opposition’s protest Narendra Modi Will inaugurate the new building of Parliament.

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