This sea is killing hundreds of people every month, now a ship full of 500 refugees is missing

Ship Disappears in Mediterranean Sea: Boats and ships are sinking every month in the Mediterranean Sea, the middle part of the earth. There, ‘Alarm Phone’, an organization that monitors the movement of migrants, has reported that a ship full of 500 refugees has gone missing in the ocean. A newborn and a pregnant woman are also present in that ship.

According to the ‘alarm phone’, the last contact of their ship with the refugees was on Wednesday morning (on 24 May). At that time the ship was 320 km from Benghazi Port in Libya and 400 km from Italy. His engine was not working properly. Italy’s life support ship has been engaged in the search ever since the ship was reported missing. It is being told that people from many countries were aboard the ship, so those countries are also helping in the search.

Frequent accidents in the Mediterranean Sea
In the Mediterranean Sea also grew in the month of April. Then a big boat had sunk in the sea of ​​North African country Tunisia. There were 37 people aboard that boat. More than two dozen people went missing in the accident. After their drowning, a search operation was carried out for hours, but many were not found. The accident happened when a large engine-driven boat carrying refugees was going to Italy.

Similarly, in the last week of March too, a boat full of migrants had met with an accident. At least 19 people lost their lives in that accident. Prior to that, on March 23, several African migrant boats had sunk near the south-eastern coast of Tunisia. At least 5 people died and 33 went missing in those accidents.

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