Are you also an Over Thinker, if yes then be careful, this habit can make you a victim of diabetes

Are you also an Over Thinker, if yes then be careful, this habit can make you a victim of diabetes

Effects Of Overthinking On Your Health: The stress or workload of the office often makes such a condition that no other thought comes to the mind except that. Sitting for hours at one place or changing sides at night keep on thinking of the same thing. Whatever your problem will be solved or not, it will be known only later. But be sure that your habit of overthinking will definitely affect your health. This habit can have many side effects ranging from mental to physical.

effect on diabetics

Whenever you get upset and think too much about something, a hormone called cortisol is released. This hormone can increase the sugar present in your blood. Your stress has a big impact on blood sugar. This is the reason why sugar patients are also advised separately for stress management.

bad effect on nerves

The entire system of nerves present in the body does the work of messaging. By thinking too much or being under stress, the same message is passed in the nerves. Which affects the condition of the heart and breathing. This is the reason that people who suffer from stress easily become victims of stress or become victims of stroke.

effect on heart

If your habit of taking stress persists, blood pressure also does not remain normal. Often the blood pressure remains elevated. Due to this, there can be swelling in the artery. Due to which the risk of damage to the heart also increases. Therefore, keep in mind that thinking too much does not only affect mental health, it also has bad effects on physical health.

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