China launched its space mission Shenyang J-16, sent three astronauts to space

China Space Mission: China on Tuesday (May 30) successfully launched the Shenzhou-16 spacecraft to send a three-person crew to its new space station Tiangong space station, according to Chinese state news media. . Under this mission, China wants to send its astronauts to the moon in the coming ten years.

The Shenzhou 16 spacecraft lifted off on a Long March 2-F rocket just after 9:30 a.m. Tuesday from the Jiuquan Launch Center on the edge of China’s Gobi Desert. The Shenzhou-16 astronauts will replace the three-member Shenzhou-15 crew that arrived at the space station in late November. All the three astronauts already present have completed their 6-month period, after which they will come back to Earth.

China kicked out of the International Space Station
China’s Tiangong Space Station consists of three modules. Officials associated with this space program said on Monday that they have plans to launch the mission on the moon by the year 2030 as well as expand it. China has been thrown out of the International Space Station, after which China has built a space station of its own.

The US had expressed concern that China is working closely with the People’s Liberation Army, the military wing of the ruling Communist Party, on its space program, after which China was thrown out of the International Space Station.

Three modules in Tiangong Space Station
Three modules have been included in China’s Tiangong Space Station. Work on this module is going on since April 2021. During that time a total of 11 crew are working together on the space station. Apart from this, many missions without crew have also been completed.

China was the first to start work on the part of the large module station. During this, he sent a crew member to complete part of the center quarter of the space station. After this, the plan is to work with the T-shaped space station for the time being to make the next module a cross-shaped structure.

read this also:China Space Mission: China challenging America! Will send civilians to space for the first time, said – we will reach the moon too

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