If you also exercise to stay fit, then know what to eat before and after exercise

Pre-Post Exercise Meal: People exercise for hours and hours to keep themselves fit and lose weight. For weight loss, people focus more on diet and sweat in the gym. However, people are also confused about the right diet and workout. Most of the computation is about what to eat before and after exercise. By eating right with workouts, you can make muscles and bones strong. Let us know how should be your diet (Pre-Post Exercise Meal) before and after the workout….

what to eat before exercise

morning exercise

If you exercise for less than an hour in the morning, then drink a glass of water before that. It helps a lot in burning fat. It has also been found in many researches that doing workouts before breakfast reduces weight faster.

moderate exercise

If you have a moderate exercise routine then you should eat small snacks. Many times due to lack of energy in the body, we are not able to do workouts properly, in such a situation, eating small snacks is beneficial.

10-15 minute exercise

Those doing exercise of short duration should follow a very short diet, so that it can be digested quickly. Such a diet should be followed which contains digestible carbohydrates. You can consume fruit juice, a banana or dry cerelac. Eating 200 calories before exercise keeps you fit and energetic.

evening exercise

Those who exercise late in the evening should keep 100 to 200 calories in their meal. You should eat food a few hours before exercise. Hydration should also be taken care of before the workout. You can also eat brown rice, fruits or toast.

what to eat after exercise

If you exercise for one to one and a half hours, then after that 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates should be eaten every hour. After exercising, definitely take carbs, protein and fat. You can consume protein shake, egg and protein immediately after the workout. Carbs should be taken within 30 minutes of the workout. After this, take fat and liquid should be taken so that there is no hydration.

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