Bharatpur: 25 thousand prize crook arrested, used to push youth into the world of crime like this

Bharatpur Crime News: Bharatpur police has arrested the kingpin of Mahakal Gang 005 and two other members. All of them were wanted in cases of dacoity, loot and assault. More than 12 cases are registered against him in different police stations. Saver police station and DST team of Bharatpur district have arrested while taking action. The District Superintendent of Police had declared a reward of Rs 25,000 on the arrested kingpin.

24-year-old Rajesh Gurjar alias Lallu Shooter Mahakal is the kingpin of Gang 005, a hardcore criminal who used to carry out incidents like robbery, looting, illegal extortion, assault. He used to push youths into the world of crime by uploading photo videos with illegal weapons on social media. Vallu shooter used to make illegal recovery from the general public. This hardcore criminal was on the run. Along with Lallu shooter, the police have also arrested two gangsters of the gang, Mangal Sharma and Narayan Thakur. Police has also recovered 2 illegal weapons and 7 live cartridges from their possession.

Police has confirmed the arrest of all three miscreants.

The police had formed two teams to arrest this hardcore criminal. After that, the police had received information that hardcore criminal Rajesh Gurjar, along with two members of his gang, was coming armed with weapons to carry out a major incident in Saver police station area. Taking joint action, the team of Saver police station and DST arrested the three miscreants. The head of the gang is a hardcore criminal Rajesh Gurjar, a resident of Har Nagar village of Rudaval police station area, who had formed his own gang to carry out criminal incidents. Rajesh Gurjar used to attract youth to join the gang. Bharatpur District Superintendent of Police Shyam Singh has confirmed the arrest of all three.

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