Nalanda: Minister Shrawan Kumar from JDU quota in Bihar government reached the circuit house on Friday. During this, when Minister Shravan Kumar was asked that Jitan Ram Manjhi is demanding 5 seats in the Lok Sabha (Lok Sabha Election 2024), on this question he said that all the parties are doing political exercise right now. Who will fight with their respective parties, from where, how will they fight? making politics. When there is a shared conversation, then there will be no fruit. Right now all the parties are expressing their wish as to who can contest on how many seats, the final will not happen until the big leaders sit.
Everyone should be patient – Minister Shravan Kumar
At the same time, when Minister Shravan Kumar was asked that Jitan Ram Manjhi had also talked about breaking the oath. On this question, the minister said that everyone should be patient and work with patience. The mission of 2024 is that the country should be free from the Bharatiya Janata Party. Minister Shravan Kumar agreed that this is a challenge in front of everyone, but everyone will face it together.
We are preparing for all the seats – Jitan Ram Manjhi
Please inform that Manjhi’s party Hindustani Awam Morcha has started its preparations on different seats. Former Bihar Chief Minister Jitan Ram Manjhi has given a big statement regarding the seats. Manjhi made a big demand from CM Nitish Kumar by holding a press conference on Friday (June 2). He said that we are telling five seats less. We are preparing for all the seats. Although Manjhi said that he has promised to stay with Nitish Kumar and he is completely together.
read this also: Lok Sabha Election 2024: Five do not have guts! Manjhi gave a new statement regarding the seats, said- ‘It will be good for the alliance’