iPhone users open iMessage carefully, one wrong click will clear the data, this is how cyber attack is happening

iPhone users open iMessage carefully, one wrong click will clear the data, this is how cyber attack is happening

iPhone  Security: If you are an iPhone user, read the message coming on the phone carefully and only then reply to it or open any attachment. If you open any message by closing your eyes, then your iPhone can be hacked. Yes, hackers are installing a malware on iPhone and users have no clue about it.

Malware being sent directly without interaction 

Cyber ​​security company Kaspersky came to know about this malware when the company was investigating its own WiFi network. The company found that many employees have received a message on the iPhone in which malware is hidden and it is being sent to users in the name of Operation Triangulation. As soon as the user opens the attachment sent in the message, it triggers a vulnerability in the device and the iPhone gets hacked. As soon as the malware is installed in the phone, the message received in the phone gets automatically deleted.

Malware steals the details of the iPhone user and sends it to a remote server, after which hackers take advantage of this information to fool people. Well, there is no information about whether Kaspersky company has also been affected by this attack or not.

Don’t make this mistake 

  • Never open a link that you do not know or that looks suspicious. 
  • Always verify the details of the sender first. If you think the sender is unknown, report and block the message immediately
  • Keep updating all third party apps present in the phone so that nothing untoward happens to you

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