Not only Type-1 and Type-2, there are so many types of diabetes, the third one is the most ‘dangerous’

Diabetes: Due to the deteriorating lifestyle, diabetes has engulfed a large number of people all over the world today. It is considered one of the serious diseases. Some people say that diabetes happens only with aging. Such people should be careful, because nowadays even children can become its victim. Type 1 diabetes is being seen more in children. This is the reason why there is a need to avoid it and eat right. Generally you must have heard about type-1 and type-2 diabetes but very few people know that there are other types of diabetes. Its information is necessary for everyone to stay healthy.

Type 1 Diabetes

It is also called autoimmune disease. It works by preventing the pancreas from making insulin. Due to this, the immunity of the body and the healthy cells of the pancreas start getting damaged. Because of this this type of diabetes can happen. The risk of type 1 diabetes is highest in children and adults. Lifetime insulin injections may have to be taken after being hit by this disease. Because insulin hormone is not being produced in the body.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type-2 diabetes is most common. This diabetes can occur due to low production of insulin in the body or improper use of this hormone. This is considered more risky. Coming in the grip of this diabetes means that the body is not able to use insulin properly. This diabetes can have a negative effect on many parts of the body. Keep medicines and lifestyle right, you can control it. In severe cases, insulin injections may be required.

gestational diabetes mellitus

It is known from the name itself that this type of diabetes is more common in pregnant women. This type of diabetes occurs when the body is unable to make enough insulin during pregnancy. If this is not taken care of in time, then the child’s blood sugar becomes high. Due to this, many types of diseases can occur in the child growing in the womb. However, it also gets cured in most women after delivery. Whereas in some the problem persists for a long time.

Type 1.5 Diabetes

Very few people know about this type of diabetes. This is the reason why it cannot be treated properly. This diabetes is also called ‘Lada’. It is considered a subtype of type 1 diabetes. According to health experts, this problem is seen only in people above 30 years of age. The biggest thing is that most of its symptoms are similar to Type-2.

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