Rar on the rights of homosexuals in America, nationwide demonstration of LGBTQ+, know the whole matter

LGBTQ+ Pride Month Los Angeles: Los Angeles, the largest city in the US state of California, is burning on the LGBTQ+ issue. Hundreds of people gathered to protest against the decision of the Pride Day assembly at a primary school here and the protest turned violent in no time. Clashes broke out between the protesters and the school administration outside the school. Police had to be called to calm the dispute.

According to the Los Angeles Times report, a few weeks ago a trans teacher’s pride flag was burnt on the school premises, after which protests were started from the LGBTQ+ community. Reports said that many of the angry protesters were wearing T-shirts with messages such as “Parental’s Choice Matters” and “No Pride in Grooming”. At the same time, a red banner in a truck read, “Leave our children alone.”

Rar on the rights of LGBTQ+!
On the other hand, Pride Month celebrations have begun across the country amid growing backlash in some places against LGBTQ+ rights. This has led to protests against community-bound parade organizers, schools, and even raising rainbow flags and honoring artists. Apart from this, some cities and states in power of the Democratic Party are also demanding to increase LGBTQ+ rights and to respect the contribution of this community.

What is LGBTQ+? What is meant by Pride Month?
LGBT refers to the community of homosexuals. Homosexuality refers to the sexual attraction of a person towards a person of the same sex. In simple language, the attraction of a man towards a man or of a woman towards a woman. Such people are called ‘Gay’ or ‘Lesbian’ in English, while their group is considered as LGBT community. In LGBTQ+, L stands for lesbian, G stands for ‘gay’, B stands for ‘bisexual’, T stands for ‘transgender’, and Q stands for ‘queer’.

‘Queer’ are such people who have neither been able to decide their identity nor physical desire. Meaning these people neither consider themselves as man, woman or ‘transgender’ nor ‘lesbian’, ‘gay’ or ‘bisexual’, they are called ‘queer’. There are thousands of such people in America. They are also often seen with an inferiority complex among the common people.

  • Now let’s understand – Pride month, then tell that the whole month of June is very important for the LGBT community because this whole month is celebrated as Pride Month. In this Pride Month, people of LGBT community gather in large numbers and demand their rights. It is said that LGBT Pride Month is celebrated in the US in memory of the Stonewall riots in late June 1969. These riots took place regarding LGBT rights.

Pride Month Celebrations Across America
Now Pride Month is going on and in the meantime the issue of LGBT has arisen in the US state, where the debate on Pride Day assembly broke out, while more than 100 parents gathered at the school in Los Angeles and violent protest started. Some protesters said they were upset that the school had set up a social media page urging parents to keep their children home on the day of the planned gathering (Friday).

What did the school district board say in the cleanup?
According to ‘The Guardian’, Los Angeles Unified School District board member Kelly Gonz said that they were to have a program called The Great Big Book of Families, which would provide information about different family structures, including single parents and LGBTQ+ parents. But some people came out in protest and now violent demonstrations have started.

read this also: Death penalty will be given on gay relations in this country, furious America gave a big threat

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