Glaciers melting 3 times faster on the world’s largest island, scientists warn

Greenland Ice Melting Faster: Due to increase in global temperature and increasing pollution, human life on the earth is facing adverse effects. Due to carbon emissions and global warming, the cold is decreasing in the polar regions and the ice of glaciers is melting. Scientists say that Greenland’s glaciers are now melting 3 times faster than in the 20th century.

Please tell that Greenland is the largest island in the world. Its area is 2,166,086 square km. It is located in the North Pole of the Earth. And, therefore most of it is covered with snow. However, in the last few years, the snow present here is melting and decreasing. There are many big snowy mountains and glaciers here, whose melting is a danger bell for the world.

The water level on the earth is rising due to the melting of polar regions
According to the study of Geophysical Research Letters, due to the rapid melting of Greenland’s glacier, the sea level is rising and if the glaciers continue to melt in the polar regions, many countries with coastlines will start drowning. Till now, due to the rising water level in many parts of the world, human settlements have been displaced, and people have been rendered homeless.

‘Glaciers may be melting more than expected’
Dr Claire Boston, from the School of Environment, Geography and Geology at Portsmouth University, said it is important to understand that we only looked at glaciers and icecaps in our research, which were at least one km in area. And, if we look at the total amount of snow melting there, it will be more than our forecasts.

Study maps 5,327 glaciers and ice caps
According to the report of IANS, during their study, geologists from western countries mapped 5,327 such glaciers and ice caps of the polar region, which were present at the end of the Little Ice Age in the year 1900. Later, in a period of widespread cooling, when the average global temperature dropped by two degrees Celsius, their number had increased to 5,467. However, glacier ice loss has accelerated in the past few years, more than three times the long-term average since 1900.

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