Do you know which is the oldest printed book in the world?

Oldest Printed Book: Some people are attracted to books since childhood. It is said that books play an important role in making every goal of life successful. The importance of books has been going on since mythological times. But do you know which is the world’s oldest printed book? If not then we will tell you today…

Diamond Sutra is considered to be the world’s first printed book. It is said that this book was printed in 868 AD after the development of printing technology in China. In this there is an explanation of the dialogue between Buddha and his disciples. It is said that this book was found inside the Mogao Caves in 1900. Also known as the Thousand Buddhist Caves near Dunhuang, China. This book was found in a hidden room along with thousands of other manuscripts and documents. This is a scroll whose length is about 5 meters.

where is this book

The Diamond Sutra is considered an important Buddhist scripture. The original copy of this book is kept in the British Library in London. Experts say that it has been printed using woodblock technique.

What is woodblock printing

It involves carving letters and images on wooden blocks, applying ink to them and then pressing them onto paper. The Diamond Sutra was printed using this method. This book is written in Chinese using the Siddham script. Which was commonly used for Buddhist texts at that time.

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