Guaranteed success in mother’s milk exam! Children who drink milk for one year get more marks

Guaranteed success in mother’s milk exam!  Children who drink milk for one year get more marks

Benefits Of Breast Milk: No nutritious diet can compete with mother’s milk. This is the reason why the newborn is advised to feed only mother’s milk for the whole one year. This milk is nutritious for the body. Do you know that the brain of children who drink mother’s milk is faster than other children even in studies. The connection between mother’s milk and marks in the exam has become clear from the revelations made in a study. The children who consumed their mother’s milk continuously for one year, their marks were higher than other children.

study like this

Published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, 4940 children born between 2000 and 2002 were selected for this study. The results of studies of all these children were assessed. Only one point was included in this assessment whether all the teenagers got enough breast milk to drink or not. Points like their economic status were not included in this research. Although the intelligence test of the mother was definitely taken. For which a vocabulary test of 20 words was taken from him.

study results

The results revealed in the study were shocking. Oxford researchers studied children’s GCSE grades. The results of the children who drank mother’s milk for a whole year were much better than the children who could not drink mother’s milk. They were 25 per cent less likely to fail the English GCSE than others. Similarly, the children who drank milk for four months were also ahead of the children who were deprived of mother’s milk. According to the study’s lead author and Dr Reneé Pereyra-Elías of the University of Oxford, the better results of the test show that mothers who can feed their children must breastfeed. But those who are behind due to some reason should not feel disheartened as there are many other ways to improve the result.

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