It is a habit to always see the smartphone! Follow these methods to avoid it, you will be benefited

The easier the smartphone makes life, the more it has negative effects on our mental health. Today, just say that most of the people have got Smartphone Addiction. Do you also feel that you too have become used to seeing the smartphone again and again, then you need to be careful. You need to pay special attention to this. It is not that you cannot improve this habit of yours (How can I stop being a phone addict). Let us know here some great ways which will help you a lot.

set a time limit

Put a time limit on the use of your smartphone. You can use your smartphone only for a certain time and you can spend the rest of the time in other activities.

screen time control

You can use the screen time control feature available on your smartphone. Through this, you can ban or control how much time you spend on your smartphone.

disable alerts

Disable your smartphone’s alerts, notifications and push messages. Due to this you will not get continuous messages. This will not attract your attention towards the smartphone.

adopt physical activity

Spend time in physical activities instead of Smartphone Addiction. You can exercise, sports, yoga, walking, or any other physical activity.

put away the smartphone

Try to keep the smartphone away from your surroundings. You can keep it far away at your work place or in other rooms in the house. Attend the phone only when there is an incoming or urgent call.

smartphone-free time

Set a time in your day when you will keep Smartphone Addiction completely off. During this period, you can join your family, friends, or other hobbies.

change smartphone mode

Before changing the Smartphone mode, clarify your purpose. Instead of using the smartphone for social media and entertainment, use the smartphone only for necessary and productive activities.

regular meditation

Do regular meditation or yoga. This will help you to stay away from the productive effects of the Smartphone and will provide peace of mind.

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