Mere rote learning will not work, if you want to remember the chapter then make the child exercise, claims research

Mere rote learning will not work, if you want to remember the chapter then make the child exercise, claims research

Benefits Of Exercise Before StudyJust remember the teachings of your grandparents or the teachings of your parents who used to say that it is very important to play. But now the children’s schedule has become so busy between studies and mobile usage that there is no time left to play. Children get up from the bed and sit directly on the study table. If your child is also a victim of these habits, then definitely make him a habit of workout. Do not think that it is necessary to study now, this is not the age to exercise. In some studies, it has been claimed that the brain of the children who sit to study after exercising for a while, also works faster.

Why is it important to workout before studying?

According to the report of Frontiers in Psychology, exercising increases the flow of blood to the brain. Which also increases the level of certain neurotransmitters. Along with this, it also increases the feeling of having control over oneself. In another review, it has been said that children who remain physically active pay more attention to their studies and understand things quickly.

Which exercise is best?

This question definitely arises that which type of exercise would be better for children. Different types of exercises are done to stay fit or toned. But the children studying do not need that kind of workout. They should do such a workout that brings agility within them. If you want, you can make them do aerobics. If this is not your choice or the child does not like it, then they can also be asked for swimming, cycling, jogging or running. A few minutes of walk before studying is also beneficial.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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