MP breast feeding the child in Parliament, became the first woman to do so

Italy Lawmaker Breastfeeding: For the first time on Wednesday (June 7) in the Parliament of Italy, a child was breastfed. According to a Reuters report, Italian female MP Gilda Sportiello breastfed her son Federico in the Chamber of Deputies. After this, all the MPs welcomed his decision with thunderous applause. Along with this, he was praised a lot.

In many countries the incidence of breastfeeding would be normal. However, in a male-dominated country like Italy, this is the first time a member of the lower house has breastfed a child. Presiding over the parliamentary session, Giorgio Mule said that this is the first time, with the support of all parties, that someone has breastfed a child.

was allowed to breastfeed
In Italy, in November last year, a parliamentary rules panel allowed women MPs to come to the parliament chamber with their children and to breastfeed the child up to one year. Gilda Sportiello, associated with Italy’s left-wing Five-Star Movement party, said that many women stop breastfeeding prematurely. However, women do not do this out of their own mind, rather they have to do so when they are forced to go to the workplace.

Two-thirds of parliamentarians in Italy are men
In October last year, for the first time in the history of Italy, Giorgia Meloni took office as the female Prime Minister. Two-thirds of parliamentarians in Italy are men. However, Wednesday’s incident happened for the first time in Italy. Thirteen years ago, Licia Ronzulli, now a senator for the centre-right Forza Italia party. She breastfed her daughter at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

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