Hindu-American summit will be held for the first time in the largest Christian country, know what will happen there?

Hindu American Summit: America (US), the largest Christian country, will host the Hindu-American Summit for the first time on 14 June. There the recently formed ‘Americans Hindu’ Political Action Committee announced the organization of this summit. Hundreds of Indian-American leaders and Hindu organizations from across the country will gather in the conference.

According to the report of the news agency, the first Hindu American Summit being organized in America will be addressed by the Speaker of the American House of Representatives (House Speaker) Kevin McCarthy. At present, about 30 lakh Hindus live in America. The Americans4Hindu Political Action Committee was recently formed in collaboration with more than 20 other expatriate bodies for the upliftment of Hindus and raising their voice on political platforms.

Americans4Hindu Political Action Committee formed
Under the banner of Americans4Hindu Political Action Committee, a group of eminent Indian-Americans from across the country have come together to host the first ever Hindu-American Summit for political engagement at the US Capitol. Organizations that have been part of it include American Hindu Coalition, American Hindu Federation, Americans for Equality PAC, Ekal Vidyalaya, Federation of Indian Americans, Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies, Hindu Action, Hindu Action PAC of Florida, Hindu PACR, Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh , Amerin Hindu University, Kashmir Hindu Foundation, Patriot America, Seva International, US India Relations Council and World Hindu Council of America etc.

There will be talk on the concerns of the Hindu community
Officials associated with the committee said that a Hindu-American summit is to be held at the US Capitol on June 14, so that the concerns of the Hindu community can be raised before the law makers. He told that 130 Indian American leaders representing 20 Hindu and Indian organizations from places like Florida, New York, Boston, Texas, Chicago and California are coming to the US Capitol for this event.

‘Hindus are now politically backward’
Committee officials said that Hindu Americans are doing good work across the country, but politically they are very backward. US-based cardiologist Dr. Romesh Japra said, “Politically, we think, we are doing well. We have not been discriminated against, but unfortunately, have not been able to contribute much in politics.” .I am from California, so I see that there has been a discriminatory attitude of many political faces..”

‘Hindus should be in US Parliament-Power’
Dr. Japra said that organizations like Equality Labs and Care are trying to destroy Hinduism. In response to a question, he said, “They are behind these things (anti-Hindu activities). So, we thought we should come together, unite all Hindu Americans, all leaders, all executive heads of organizations. We should come to Congress, come to Capitol Hill, be in the center of power.

Many other Congress leaders of America will also address
Along with House Speaker McCarthy on June 14, several other congressional leaders from the Democratic and Republican sides are expected to address the summit. Dr. Japra said that McCarthy will deliver the keynote address. These mainly include Indian American MPs. He said the community is working towards creating the first-ever Hindu Caucus in the House of Representatives – a group of lawmakers working to protect the interests of Hindu Americans.

‘Hinduphobia-Hindu hate should be discussed’
Dr. Japra said, “We are trying to bring together the Hindu Caucus, where we will ask all these Congress leaders, senators and representatives to be a part of our caucus.” He said- Our group will raise support and funds for Congress leaders who agree with Hindu principles and values ​​and are ready to help the community and talk about the concerns of Hinduphobia, Hindu hate and immigration.

Read also: Hinduism in America: Now 1 thousand temples in America, population of Hindus doubled in 15 years, know how many Hindu followers are there

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