Use bay leaf to keep the mind sharp and the body healthy

Use bay leaf to keep the mind sharp and the body healthy

For years, many medicines are being used to correct many types of health all over the world. One such divine medicine is sage. The scientific name of sage is Salvia officinalis. Sage is also a flavoring agent which can also be used to enhance the flavor of food. Its aroma is very strong and it is used to enhance the taste in dishes like salads, sausages.

Actually, sage plant is related to the species of mint. Sage is also known as bay leaf. Oil is extracted from sage leaves, which is called sage oil. Sage’s essential oil can be used to enhance the quality of fat and meat. Sage oil is considered beneficial for many diseases. More than 800 species of sage are found in the country and abroad. Many nutrients present in it are considered very beneficial for health.

Different Types of Sage

1. Garden Sage
2. Autumn Sage
3. Salvia brandegi
4. Black Sage
5. Hybrid Sage
6. Central American Sage
7. Canary Island Sage
8. Mexican Bush Sage

medicinal properties of sage

Sage contains nutrients, minerals and vitamins such as fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B-6, vitamin C, niacin, riboflavin, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, carbohydrate, fiber, protein, etc. are found in abundance. Apart from this, the presence of antibacterial properties in sage is in sufficient quantity. Apart from these, due to having other medicinal properties and nutritious elements, the benefits of sage are considered very beneficial from the physical point of view, so let us know how the benefits of this herb are available to the skin and health.

Benefits of Sage

1. Healthy Skin: Sage oil is very beneficial for the skin. Its regular use helps in keeping the skin soft, glowing and healthy.

2. Useful for hair: Sage oil is also beneficial for hair. Its use helps in increasing the strength, growth and shine of the hair.

3. Use in Food: Sage oil can be used in food items like salads, soups, chutneys.

4. Sage is rich in nutrients: Sage is considered a treasure trove of nutrients and vitamins.

5. Beneficial in diabetes: Sage leaves have been used since ancient times in the treatment of diabetes.

6. Consuming sage is effective in curing the symptoms of menopause: During menopause, there is a deficiency of estrogen hormone due to which excessive sweating and irritability and other symptoms can occur. Consumption of sage is considered very effective in curing all these symptoms.

7. Consuming sage is effective in reducing bad cholesterol: Bad cholesterol starts accumulating in the arteries, which can cause many types of damage to the arteries and heart. According to a study, the level of bad cholesterol can be reduced to a great extent by the consumption of sage.

how to use sage

1. Sage can be eaten by adding it to vegetables.
2. You can make sage tea and drink it.
3. You can make sage soup and consume it.
4. You can eat sage leaves in a sandwich.

When to drink sage tea

1. You can drink sage tea in the morning.
2. Drinking sage tea at night can be effective.

how many times can i drink in a day

1. Drink a cup of sage tea every day.
2. Use only 12 drops of sage while cooking. Sage oil can cause toxin in the body if used more than this.

Sage oil side effects

By the way, no side effects of sage oil have been reported so far. But excessive consumption of sage oil or sage tea can lead to side effects. Know about some of its side effects.

1. Excessive consumption of sage can cause stomach pain.
2. Using sage in excess can cause problems like dizziness, heatstroke.
3. Excessive use of sage oil or leaves can be harmful for the kidney.

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