Tim Cook spoke to this Indore student on video call, did this feat in WWDC

Tim Cook: Apple’s WWDC event started on June 6, which lasted till June 9. In this event, Apple organized a Swift Challenge for the youth of the world, in which an app was to be developed with the help of Swift coding language. Asmi Jain, a resident of Indore, developed a health app called Eye Track with the help of this language. This app tracks the movement of the eyes and helps in strengthening the muscles of the eyes. In the app, a track ball keeps moving around on the screen, which the user has to watch.

Tim Cook congratulated the winner of WWDC23 and also said that there is one young developer in India who will play a big role in the future. The team also said that it was a wonderful experience meeting so many people from India’s innovative iOS developer community earlier this year. In fact, the company has already opened 2 official stores in India, one in Mumbai and the other in Delhi. During this, the CEO of Apple met many people.

thought of making an app like this

Asmi Jain got the motivation to make the app when her uncle had a problem of eye misalignment and facial paralysis after brain surgery. From here he started working on the app and developed this amazing eye track app. Asmi Jain said that she is sure that this app will also help other people who are suffering from some or the other eye problem.

Speaking about coding, the young developer said that coding helps him create things that help his friends and community. At the same time, Asmi said that it also gives him a sense of freedom.

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