HP News: Government employees of Himachal Pradesh are not getting salary on time, know what is the reason?

Himachal Pradesh News: The crisis of economic distress is continuously deepening in the hill state of Himachal Pradesh. There are many such corporations and boards in Himachal Pradesh, where there is delay in getting the salaries of the employees. The situation is that the employees are also facing problems in the livelihood of their families. In fact, some outsourced employees of Labor and Employment, Forest Corporation and Jal Shakti Board along with the employees of Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) have not been able to get their salaries even after almost half a month has passed. Due to this these employees are very upset.

The economic plight in Himachal Pradesh is not hidden from anyone. Recently, Himachal Pradesh went into overdraft of one thousand crore rupees. For this, the government is taking a loan of Rs 800 crore. Even after getting this loan, the government will remain in an overdraft of Rs 200 crore. The present Sukhu government is blaming the former Jairam government for this. Along with this, she is also accusing the Center of imposing financial restrictions. Meanwhile, BJP is also leaving no stone unturned to corner the government. Union Minister Anurag Thakur, who reached Shimla, said that the Congress government can also say that paying salaries to the employees was not included in their guarantee.

hard times ahead

At present, the employees of Himachal Pradesh Road Transport Corporation are most upset due to non-payment of salary and pension on time. HRTC is in loss of about 1 thousand 700 crore rupees. The reason for this is that 65 crores are earned every month by running the buses, while 69 crores are needed to pay the salary and pension of the retired employees. The total monthly expenditure of the corporation is up to Rs 144 crore. In such a situation, HRTC has to bear heavy losses every month.

Apart from this, the debt limit of the states has also been reduced in the Union Budget for the year 2023-24. States can now raise only 2.5% of their GDP as debt. In the year 2022-24, Himachal Pradesh will be able to take a loan of only 9 thousand crore rupees. Earlier this loan limit was Rs 14 thousand 500 crore. In such a situation, the coming time for Himachal Pradesh is going to be full of difficulties.

Employees got salary and pension on this date

Employees and pensioners of Himachal Road Transport Corporation are upset due to delayed salary. If we look at the past, HRTC employees will be paid on May 2, June 3, July 6, August 3, September 5, October 1, November 10, December 2, January 3, February 4, March 3, April 13 and May 10. got salary. The employees have not yet received this month’s salary. Apart from this, pensioners also got delayed pension in the same way. Pensioners got pension on May 4, June 3, July 7, August 26, September 7, October 6, November 11, September 7, January 9, February 7, March 23, April 21 and May 30.

A major part of Himachal’s budget is spent here

There is a huge section of employees in Himachal Pradesh. In such a situation, a huge part of the state’s budget goes towards paying salaries and pensions. This year also only 29 percent of Himachal Pradesh’s budget will be spent on development works. According to the budget for the year 2023-24, out of Rs 100, Rs 26 will be spent on salary, Rs 16 on pension, Rs 10 each on interest and loan repayment and Rs 9 on grants for autonomous institutions, while for capital development Only 29 rupees will be left.

year 2023The revenue receipts in 2024 are estimated to be 37 thousand 999 crores. Apart from this, the total revenue expenditure is estimated at Rs 42 thousand 704 crore. In this way, the total revenue deficit is estimated to be Rs 4 thousand 704 crore. Apart from this, the fiscal deficit is estimated at Rs 9 thousand 900 crore, which is 4.61 percent of the state’s GDP.

What was the status of the budget for the year 2022-23?

If the budget of the year 2022-23 is seen on the standard of 100 rupees, then a large part of Himachal’s budget was being spent on the salaries and pensions of the government employees. Out of Rs 100, Rs 25.31 was being spent on salaries of government employees, Rs 14.11 on pension. Apart from this, Himachal had to pay Rs 10 on interest payment, Rs 6.64 on loan repayment. After this, only Rs 43.94 was left with the government for development. This year, a 15 percent decline has been recorded in the budget spent for development works.

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