Super Rich: The richest people are running away from the country, revealed in the report – this year so many people will leave India

SuperRich Leaving India China: Every year millions of people in the world leave their country and take refuge in another country. The migration of people from one country to another usually happens due to some crisis. But, India is such a country where poor and helpless people are trying to come from other countries to live here, but people who have immense wealth are leaving the country. The class with the richest people is called ‘Super Rich’, and the worrying news related to India’s ‘Super Rich’ is that thousands of such people are settling in other countries.

According to the report of Henley Private Wealth Migration, last year 7500 ‘super rich’ from India left the country forever and settled in other countries. Not only this, the report tells that this year also around 6500 ‘super rich’ Indians will leave their country. That is, the process of leaving the country of the rich of India is going on fast.

Absence of ‘super rich’ is not good for the country
Significantly, the ‘super rich’ are usually associated with business and they have to pay tax to the government where they belong. Their business reduces the unemployment of the country, because they get the workers easily from the country itself. Apart from this, due to the ‘super rich’, the growth of the market is also fast. Because, they keep on increasing their business in different ways. Their leaving the country weakens the economy of those countries. When he leaves, his net worth or earning figure also gets separated from the country. In such a situation, it is a matter of great concern for India.

Why are the ‘super rich’ leaving India?
The main reason for ‘super rich’ people leaving the country is the fear of action from any government agency in their mind. It is believed that the ‘super rich’ people of India are mostly those who got rich by taking loans of thousands of crores from banks, or their business flourished through some black business; So there is a fear that they might get caught somewhere. Apart from this, some rich people do not like the policy of the country, many do not like the environment. In such a situation, they go to those countries where they do not face problems.

Which countries are in priority for the ‘super rich’?
Australia is the first choice of ‘super rich’ to leave their country and settle in other countries. In this list, UAE is second, Singapore is third, America is fourth and Switzerland is at number five.

The report of Henley Private Wealth Migration states that most of the ‘super rich’ of China leave the country. This year 13500 people from there can leave China. India is second and Britain is third in this matter.

Read also: The boom in the stock market after Corona increased the wealth of the rich, now the billionaires have increased from 80 to 90 in the super rich list

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