If you are nervous all the time, be careful! Lest this disorder make you mentally ill

Social anxiety disorder: Due to busy lifestyle and lack of proper food, our physical and mental health is getting badly affected. Because of this, there is a change in behavior day by day. When it starts affecting every day, then this condition is considered to be nervous. Being nervous or panicking is a common process. This happens according to the situation. It is very common to be nervous during exam time, treatment of illness and any emotional condition. There are many such situations, when nervousness comes in childhood but it gets cured with growing up. However, this problem becomes more dangerous when it starts troubling often. This is a type of mental disorder called social anxiety disorder (SAD) or social phobia. It has a negative effect on life.

What is social anxiety disorder

This is a kind of chronic mental health problem. Anyone can fall prey to it. Unlike anxiety and panic, the risk of fear, anxiety and negativity is high in SAD disorder. This can cause problems in relationships, daily routine, work, school or other activities. Social phobia usually starts in teenage. However, sometimes this problem also occurs in small children.

signs of social anxiety disorder

Being afraid of those things where you can be considered weak.

nervous about talking to strangers

fear of others noticing

blushing, sweating, trembling, or hoarseness of voice

Fear and avoidance of speaking due to embarrassment

being afraid of situations where people focus on you

Cause of social anxiety disorder

Like many mental conditions, biological and environmental factors can be responsible for social anxiety disorder. In some people, this problem is also genetic. However, it has not been fully confirmed that how much genetics play a role in social phobia.

treatment of social anxiety disorder

If seen, there is no specific cure for this problem, however, it can be helped to get out of it by identifying its symptoms at the right time. Whenever such symptoms are seen, one should meet a psychologist. They may recommend some medicines or therapy.

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